
Visar inlägg från juli, 2013

Whelan's: Rats Blood, Loose Nut & Negative Approach

Getting disappointed, mostly from too high anticipations, by the first act; Irelands RATS BLOOD . Mid tempo d-beat with a fair dose of breakdowns. Static, or very disciplined, drummer. I usually like short, to the point gigs - which this certainly was at something like 10-15 minutes - but it didn't really leave me wanting for more. I just wished I had got my camera up earlier to actually get to film something. But I did like them. Really, I did. (Don't miss them at Fibbers on Tuesday, supporting INTEGRITY .) LOOSE NUT ; their last show - my first time seeing them. Something I always like in punk bands, which has become more and more frequent the last 10 years I guess, is punks not looking like "punks". Something this band had going on with all it's members differing from the other. Music-wise they reminded me of D.R.I. and the kind of-experimental bits of BLACK FLAG. For the most part, excellent. But the far too frequent macho hardcore breakdowns were puttin...

Button Factory: Devendra Banhart

The Button Factory - Fresh venue for me. It was alright, but a bit too big to get that intimate feeling, but without setting foot in O2 yet, I bet I would prefer this for the gigs that draws slightly bigger crowds. Also, I guess I would've been standing closer if I really cared... After a brief introduction by a, for me unknown, Spanish singer-songwriter, DEVENDRA BANHART entered the stage and went through a couple of songs by himself. This was probably the best part since I always prefer these kind of gigs without a backing band, even though I can't say they didn't do a good job. Not having heard records past Smokey Rolls Down Thunder Canyon there were a few songs for me. But there was a good mix between new and old. However, I'm not that big fan of DEVENDRA BANHART and I guess you could say he served his purpose, if you can say there ever was one. But I'm betting all the hipster girls loved it. (Due to the move from Sweden to Ireland, I guess I'l...

Whelan's: Il Sogno Del Marinaio & Chelsea Light Moving

Rätt sjukt sammanträffande med den här spelningen. Det första jag skrev ut på jobbet, för att ha några slags prydnader på väggarna, var just gamla flyers med SONIC YOUTH och MINUTEMEN och även lite klassisk Raymond Pettibon-konst. Så dyker CHELSEA LIGHT MOVING , IL SOGNA DEL MARINAIO upp och spelar i Dublin...på RAYMOND PETTIBONS födelsedag. Som ett loungeband som rökt på, blivit uttråkade av segheten och bestämt sig för att tjack är mer deras drog och sedan tagit jazz-requests från en full publik. Det jag minns av sången var något mumlat och påhittat som förde tankarna till MAGMA utan egentligen vara särskilt likt. MAGMA som barn...eller mongo. I slutet, av deras del av kvällen, när en sträng gick för gitarristen så började MIKE WATT och trummisen köra en fruktansvärt bra tolkning av FUN HOUSE av THE STOOGES . Given höjdpunkt för kvällen. Inte det bästa jag hört, men jag tröttnade aldrig heller. Kommande akt fick mig att ge ifrån mig en och annan gäsp, men nu när jag s...

Primavera Sound 2013

BÄST SÄMST Line-up på år och dagar Väder Blanda i Frangelico i thé Att bli sjuk Hot Snakes, Thee Oh Sees & Death Grips Att åka från festivalen direkt till ett nytt jobb Paprika-pastan som visade sig vara habanero Att inte få ackreditering (och därför inte orka ta några djävla anteckningar)